Monday, November 10, 2008


vroom...vroom...vroom, lets rev it up with the insane dare devil funkey, Vrooooooooooom.

Bio: The Vroom have an instinctive love for anything fast and dangerous. Their natural mechanical skills and enthusiasm for showing off have given them the reputation of being the most daring of all of the Funkeys. The Vroom only reinforce this reputation by constantly performing what appear to be ever increasingly dangerous feats, when in fact these stunts are carefully choreographed and practiced with safety in mind.
Most Vroom perform their stunts purely for the love of the stunt itself, and often do so before a cheering audience of their fellow Funkeys. They constructed a giant arena, called the Room De Vroom, on Laputa Station for their performances.

Club Name: Room De Vroom
Zone: Lapputa Station

Game info: Vroom game is called Super Vroom ball. This game is basically Skee Ball. You just need to roll the balls into the holes. U want to get it into the 100 hole the most. This game does take a lot of practice and it took me a while to get the trophy for this but I finnaly got it a couple of weeks ago. Practice Makes Perfect!

Trophy Score: I have the trophy for this one and I believe its around 900-1000 or higher points for the trophy.

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